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Hulp bij Risico Inventarisatie & Evaluatie (RI&E)

Hulp bij Risico Inventarisatie & Evaluatie (RI&E) – Engelstalige versie

Help with Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E)

In every organization it is important to identify and determine risks for the performance of the work. These are named/recorded in the Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E). There are various RI&Es within the cleaning sector. The company RI&E, this is linked to the business processes and the functions within the company. Then there is the cleaning RI&E. This is made for each object that is being cleaned. Then a cleaning company also has to deal with the Glass and Facade RI&E (if it is responsible for glass and facade maintenance).

Clear4Clean provides training to cleaning companies on how to make, record, store and communicate the cleaning and Glass and Facade Risk Inventory & Evaluation with employees and customers.

Support with ISO9001 

Clear4Clean offers support in setting up the ISO9001-2015 manual for cleaning companies. The support can be requested per step. The steps we offer are:

  •   Creating the ISO 9001 manual.
  •   Discussing the ISO 9001 manual and making adjustments where necessary.
  •   Conducting internal audits.
  •   Supervising the certification by an accredited certified person.
  •   Adjusting/repairing the observed deviations by the accredited certified person.

A clean workplace makes for happy faces in your office. Qualified staff who take desks, tables, chairs and the like in a friendly manner is not a matter of course. Clear4Clean facilitates cleaning in accordance with Working Conditions Acts, with work inspections and so-called toolbox meetings.

Clear4Clean from Dordrecht can prepare a Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) for the daily cleaning of your office. We can also record the RI&E of glass cleaning for you. Of course we will arrange your cleaning in accordance with health and safety regulations .

Risk Evaluation Cleaning
Risk Evaluation Cleaning

~ We also organize toolbox meetings ~

Schoonmaakpersoneel van VCA-gecertificeerde schoonmaakbedrijven dient minimaal tien keer per jaar toolboxmeetings bij te wonen. Een toolboxmeeting is een presentatie die schoonmaakmedewerkers aan het denken zet om veilig te handelen. Wij kunnen toolboxmeetings zelf regelen. Dat is een groot voordeel, omdat schoonmaakmedewerkers deze meetings soms als belastend ervaren tijdens hun dagelijks werk. Wij zorgen ervoor dat schoonmaak en Arbo prima samen gaan.

VCA-gecertificeerde schoonmaakbedrijven dienen ook regelmatig werkplekinspecties te houden. Ook deze inspecties kunnen door het schoonmaakpersoneel als belemmerend worden ervaren. Clear4Clean uit Zuid-Holland kan deze werkplekinspecties voor u uitvoeren, met zo weinig mogelijk overlast voor het personeel.

Are you looking for a reliable partner for cleaning according to health and safety standards? Enable Clear4Clean. Call now or fill in the contact form on this website. We clean safely for you.

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Pieter Zeemanweg 47 – B07
3316 GZ Dordrecht

Clear4Clean is overgenomen door Qualis Insight en alle activiteiten zijn nu onderdeel geworden van Qualis Insight.

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Bij het gebruik van duurzame schoonmaakproducten die een lage impact hebben op natuur en milieu.

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